Tuesday, April 19, 2011


So this is the first official post!  Welcome!  I suppose a little background information would be beneficial to those of you who do not know who I am.

My name is Kimberly.  I am currently studying nutrition and dietetics.  As of the fall 2011, I will go to work on getting my Masters in Science as well as complete my required dietetic internship.   By January 2013 I hope to have the initials M.S., R.D. behind my name.

Having said this, here is my DISCLAIMER: I am not a registered dietitian yet.  Therefore, I cannot give official advice in regards to medicine or nutrition.  The information I dispense on this blog is simply based on what I have learned and observed and should not be misconstrued for professional recommendations.

Now that the technicalities are out of the way, let us truly begin!

I have decided to set up this blog for numerous reasons. However, a major contributing factor to this undeniable motivation is my desire to help us all sort through the good, the bad, and the ugly that can be encountered in the field of nutrition and dietetics.

As our nation faces an obesity crisis and money hungry sensationalist try and capitalize on this epidemic, those within the community whose expertise lies within this area must speak up.   Too often, people want a quick fix.  Everyone wants to lose the unwanted weight fast.   I am here to tell you, if you want it done right and you want it to last, you must take the necessary time to obtain the desired results.  As a dear friend of mine says, "you didn't put the weight on overnight, you're not going to take if off overnight."

However, I believe making food simpler is the top most priority.  The words "rules" or "guidelines" are used far too often in our society in relation to food.  When did it stop being about portion size and moderation and morph into this realm of deprivation and self-denial?

The word "rule" implies a right and a wrong behavior. You should eat this, you shouldn't eat that.  For the last two years I've met with an R.D. to discuss, dissect and understand my behavior with food.  The journey has not been easy.  And a word I have discovered that gets so many of us into trouble is "should".  Guilt is the far under-credited feeling that accompanies this "should" and "shouldn't" thought process.  There is far too much negativity in the world.  To allow it to set up shop in your mind in relation to food and exercise is a haunting practice that can often times lead to savage self-destruction.  Before long, one will find him or herself "shoulding" all over themselves.  Using the word "should" generates a right and a wrong.  But where does that leave room for the middle ground?


  1. Hi Kimberly,
    Great Blog! I have just learned that my body and dairy don't do well together. Can you give some other examples of where to get calcium in foods? And, I am wondering about calcium supplements. I have heard about calcium and magnesium going together, is that true and why is that?

    Thanks for the post!

  2. Dear Ms. Debra Smith,

    First, thank you for posting! Second, you’ve asked some really great questions. Allow me to take the time to reiterate that I am not a registered dietitian (R.D.) yet. Having said this, the response I give you should not be taken as professional advice, but rather an amateur’s information to help you sort through all the information out there.

    Now that that’s out of the way, here’s the deal. There are a lot of people’s bodies out there that don’t agree with dairy. Below is a link to National Digestive Diseases Information Clearinghouse, a helpful link that talks you through the ins and outs of lactose intolerance.


    As for good non-dairy calcium sources, I’ve got a few for you.

    Sardines, in oil, drained, 3oz 372mg
    Soy milk , 1 cup 300mg
    Cooked collard greens, 1cup 257mg
    Spinach, cooked, 1 cup 200mg
    Pink salmon, canned, 3 oz 181mg
    Baked Beans, 1 cup 154mg

    Tips for non-dairy calcium sources:
    1. Soy products like milk and tofu are great
    2. Keep your eyes peeled for rice products, they’ll get the job done too
    3. As I mentioned in the post, look for those fortified foods!
    *Orange juice, cereals and breads are only three types of products out there that can offer extra boosts in calcium.

    Now as for supplements, dietitians within the community are constantly pushing foods before supplements. As for magnesium, to pull a direct quote from my Krause textbook, “more than 50% of the magnesium in the body is found in bone tissue, but the role of this mineral in bone function is poorly understood.” There is little research out there that indicates that magnesium dietary deficits have any effect on bone health.

    Bottom line, don’t sweat about your magnesium consumption. In my opinion, supplement manufacturers may be touting that magnesium is in their product simply because it’s a mineral found in our bones.
